Hi there, We’re Ada πŸ‘‹

UI/UX Design
& Development Studio

We help start-up’s and brands reach their goals by designing & building hand crafted user-centric digital products and interactive experiences

Ada Team Ada Team


Our Services

Reliable Design Services For All Size

We offer top-notch UI/UX/Product Design and Front-end development on demand

UI Design

Web and mobile apps based on the latest UI design trends.

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UI Design Services

UX Design

Immerse projects in the theory and principles of UX Design

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UX Design Services


Brand recognition & develop trust with your target audience

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Branding Services

Web Development

Build Responsive Websites with HTML5, CSS3, SASS & JS

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Web Development Services
Professional Web Design Services
Top Web Design Company Top Web Design Company

Subscription based legal advisor service

UI UX Web Development
Professional Web Design Services
Best UI Design Company UK Best UI Design Company UK

Subscription based legal advisor service

UI UX Web Development
Professional Web Design Services
Bespoke Web Development Agency London Bespoke Web Development Agency London

Subscription based legal advisor service

UI UX Web Development
Professional Web Design Services
HTML and CSS Repsonsive Web Design Company HTML and CSS Repsonsive Web Design Company

Subscription based legal advisor service

The majority of our new business now comes from clients that first learn about our company through our Ada-designed web presence. We have absolutely no hesitation recommending Ada to others.
Ada brought a unique perspective to our business and drove us to think differently about our brand.
Branding is essential to our business. I only trust Ada to help us communicate and market our values and services to our clients.
Their creativity and drive to satisfy the needs of their clients comes through in everything they do, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with them!
Feeling like someone has your back. Knowing it’s about more than the money you pay them

Answers to Common Questions



What is meant by "bespoke design" offered by Ada?

"Bespoke design" refers to Ada's ability to create customized and tailor-made designs that are unique to each client, ensuring a personalized and distinctive online presence.


What services does Ada offer in web design?

Ada offers comprehensive web design services, including custom website design, responsive design, user interface (UI) design, and user experience (UX) design.


Why should I choose Ada for mobile design services?

Choosing Ada for mobile design means embracing the future of user interaction. Our talented designers specialize in creating mobile experiences that are both visually striking and highly functional. We leverage cutting-edge technology to ensure seamless responsiveness across various devices, enabling your brand to engage with users on the go. With Ada, you'll unlock the true potential of mobile design, delighting your customers and staying ahead in the fast-paced digital landscape.


What is the importance of UI and UX design?

UI (User Interface) design focuses on the visual elements of a digital product, while UX (User Experience) design encompasses the overall user experience. Good UI/UX design enhances user satisfaction, usability, and conversion rates, giving a competitive advantage. It creates intuitive interfaces, improves engagement, and establishes a positive brand perception.


Can Ada help optimize my website for SEO?

Absolutely! At Ada, we understand the importance of search engine visibility. Our SEO experts employ proven strategies to optimize your website's structure, content, and performance. From keyword research and on-page optimization to link building and analytics tracking, we leave no stone unturned to boost your organic rankings and drive targeted traffic to your site. With Ada's SEO expertise, your website will be positioned for success in the competitive online landscape, increasing your brand's visibility and driving sustainable growth.


How long does it typically take for Ada to complete a web design project?

The timeline for a web design project varies depending on its complexity and scope. At Ada, we prioritize both efficiency and quality, striving to deliver exceptional websites within a reasonable timeframe. After a thorough understanding of your requirements, we provide you with a tailored project timeline that includes design iterations, development phases, and testing. Rest assured, our team is dedicated to meeting deadlines and ensuring a seamless project experience, allowing you to launch your website promptly and with confidence.


How does Ada approach web development projects?

Ada takes a comprehensive approach to web development, combining technical expertise with creative flair. Using cutting-edge tools and technologies, our skilled developers bring your vision to life, crafting robust and scalable websites tailored to your unique requirements. We follow industry best practices, ensuring clean code, seamless integrations, and optimal performance across browsers and devices. With Ada's web development prowess, you can be confident in launching a high-performing website that stands out from the competition.


What support and maintenance services does Ada offer after website launch?

Ada believes in providing comprehensive support and maintenance services post-launch. Our team is committed to ensuring your website remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized for performance. We offer flexible maintenance plans that cover regular backups, security updates, bug fixes, and ongoing technical support. Whether you need content updates, feature enhancements, or assistance with website management, Ada is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your website continues to shine long after its launch.


What factors determine Ada's pricing for web design and development?

Ada's pricing is based on several factors including project complexity, scope, and specific requirements. We offer customized solutions to meet your unique needs, ensuring you receive the best value for your investment. Our pricing is transparent, competitive, and reflects the expertise and quality we bring to every project. We believe in building long-term partnerships, and our pricing structure is designed to align with your goals and deliver exceptional results within your budget.


What is the starting price for web design services at Ada?

Ada's web design services have a starting price of 1.000 GBP. However, the final pricing may vary depending on the complexity and specific requirements of your project.


Why should I choose Ada over other web design agencies?

Choosing Ada means choosing a partner who is passionate about your success. We set ourselves apart with our unwavering commitment to excellence, creativity, and customer satisfaction. Our team of talented professionals brings a wealth of experience to every project, ensuring that your vision is brought to life with precision and flair. With Ada, you'll benefit from cutting-edge designs, robust web solutions, transparent pricing, prompt support, and a collaborative approach that leaves you excited and confident in the results. Experience the Ada difference and unlock the full potential of your online presence today!

Let’s Get Started

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We can help you design, develop and launch a successful software solution based on your users' needs and the latest industry trends. Our partners are already transforming markets with performant web applications.

15+ Years in the industry
1B+ Generated in Client revenue
3M+ Lines of Code Delivered
150+ Project Delivered

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